Hi, I'm Emmanuella, a Game Designer and Developer specializing in gameplay mechanics, character and narrative design.

I want to create unique experiences. 


I started out as a developer, so I'm well experienced with programming and the Unity engine. This allows me to better understand the technical aspects of design decisions. My preferred tools are Nuclino for documentation, referencing and making a shared team information resource and Miro for brainstorming, ideation and visual aids.

I have two goals and several dreams. One is to share the rich culture of Africa with the world via games, because I love so many cartoons, anime, movies and games based on the folklore of many countries and cultures, and I really want to give back. 

My second goal is to create innovative healthcare systems and platforms using XR technology to help in the treatment and recuperation of the physically and mentally unwell.

 Core Competencies

Get in touch at emmanuella240698@gmail.com